Two weeks hands-on Training on Advance Research and SPSS concluded at Women University Multan
Two weeks hands-on Training on Advance Research and SPSS ends with a conclusive session at Committee Room, Katchery Campus, The Women University Multan. The session was chaired by The Worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Uzma Qureshi . It was emphasized by the Worthy Chancellor that Researchers must keep on exercising their research skill and that knowledge must never be put on halt. She appreciated the effors of Focal Person Prof.Dr. Mamona Khan for creating such opportunities for the researchers. Also, she credited the resource person Dr. Nahid Kausar for sharing the insightful knowledge with the Scholars.The Training continued for two weeks in which Research Scholars of English Department learned the techniques of Quantitative Analysis. The practical knowledge of SPSS analysis were given to the PhD and M.Phil Scholars. Sessions involving the process of Data Entry, Data Analysis, Frequency Measurements, T-test, Z-test, One way ANOVA, Two way ANOVA and Regression Analysis were conducted. Dr. Nahid Kausar was the main Resource person along with the Prof. Dr. Fakir Muhammad from Air University Islamabad and Dr. Muneer Ahmed from Comsats University. Moreover, at the end of the training projects were assigned to the students which were submitted and received with great enthusiasm.